Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, MARCH 8
PROGRAM # 8559 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Outside the National Palace, displaced families from nine communities in the state of Guerrero request a hearing with President López Obrador. They have been out of their homes for three months, after they were evicted with gun fire from the towns of Eduardo Neri, Leonardo Bravo and Tecpan de Galeana. It is a strategy of the armed groups to take the land away from farmers, and then it is the same goons who sign agreements with the mining companies to keep the rents for the exploitation, a situation that happened before in Carrizalillo, Copalillo and Xochipala. There was also displacement of peoples. That’s what a specialist says. In addition, a speech fragment of the testimony of a community policeman from Guerrero, Gonzalo Molina, who after five years in prison, was released. Also a member of the Regional Coordinator of Community Authorities, he was able to show in court that he did not commit the crimes of terrorism, robbery and kidnapping that the state government charged. Martha Elena Ramírez, hosts this Voz Pública program from Mexico City.

Guests: (recorded interviews or speech segment) Gonzalo Molina González, member of the Regional Coordinator of Community Authorities, Community Police, CRAC-PC, and founder of the community police in the municipalities of Ayutla de Los Libres and Metlatonoc; Manuel Olivares Hernández, director of the Regional Center for the Defense of Human Rights, José María Morelos y Pavón; Bartolo Hernández Ortiz, Eduardo Neri Municipality, Guerrero.

Photo: Turismo Ciudad de México/Facebook

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