Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15
PROGRAM # 8544 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

In order to combat the “huachicol” from above and below, in addition to imprisoning and confiscating the property of those who have been selling stolen gas for years, it would be necessary to detect and close all clandestine outlets along the 54,000 kilometers of Pemex pipelines, for which “instrumented devils” would be used and then the network would be monitored with night vision “drones” and army patrols, explained one expert on the subject. She also urged the Obrador administration to rely on the workers of the UNTYPP union, which have denounced the theft of fuel from inside the state agency. For this, she asked to shed light on cases such as the division of Pemex International, of which there are no financial reports, and even more on the case of the storage platform in Cayo Arcas, Tabasco, where it is suspected that foreign vessels are illegally supplied with crude oil. Finally, the expert stressed that Pemex already has the list of necessary supplies so that in July 2020, the Tula refinery can work at one hundred percent capacity.

Guest: (previously recorded) Ing. Química, Silvia Ramos Luna, Secretary of Studies and Oil Analysis of the National Union of Oil Technicians and Professionals, (UNTYPP), Mexico City.

Photo: Blog de Gina/Facebook

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