Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, JANUARY 25
PROGRAM # 8529 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

A veteran journalist and writer comments on recent revelations in the trial of Mexican drug lord El Chapo, among them the alleged bribe to a former Mexican President, and the assertion that most drugs are smuggled into the US not through the open border. Another journalist and writer joins the program to discuss the tragedy in Tlahuilalpan and the overwhelming extent of the influence of organized crime cartels that control the lucrative oil theft business in the country. Finally, a political analyst talks about President López Obrador plans to create a National Guard to lead the fight against organized crime, and the role of the current investigations into the theft of oil in PEMEX in the overall battle against corruption in the country.

Guests: Jesús Esquivel, Correspondent, Proceso Magazine, Author of “La DEA en México”, Washington, D.C.; Ana Lilia Pérez, author of “El Cártel Negro” and other books, Mexico City; John M. Ackerman, Professor, Researcher for Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, UNAM, Mexico City.


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