Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, JANUARY 11
PROGRAM # 8519 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

More than 90 percent of the billions of liters of gasoline stolen from the pipelines of Petróleos Mexicanos, was transported in tank trucks of this estate owned company and stored in tanker ships, anchored in the Gulf of Mexico. Once there, it was reported as fuel imported from the United States and then it was officially purchased by the Mexican government, according to Pablo López, union leader of the National Union of Oil Technicians and Professionals, an organization that supports the measures taken by the government of President López Obrador to stop the theft of hydrocarbons, that in the past six years reached as many as one thousand tank trucks per day. The informant also indicated that the majority of gas stations that are closed belong to foreign companies and that they would have to explain to whom they bought the fuel. Martha Elena Ramírez, hosts this broadcast of the Voz Pública program, from Mexico City.

Guest: (recorded interview) Pablo López Figueroa, Engineer, General Secretary of the National Union of Oil Technicians and Professionals, Mexico City.

Photo: Turismo Ciudad de México/Facebook

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