Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21
PROGRAM # 8504 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

A few hours after Mexico and the United States announced several billion dollars investment programs for the Mexican Southeast and Central America, with the purpose of curbing migration and drug trafficking, the government of Donald Trump informed Mexico that it must receive and maintain in its territory those migrants who have applied for asylum in the United States. Although Mexico’s Secretary of Foreign Affairs said that it accepted the migrants for humanitarian reasons, the measure could leave the Obrador government on a level of subordination. Meanwhile, members of the Central American Caravan thanked priest Alejandro Solalinde for the help he has given them to obtain humanitarian visas to live legally in Mexico for a year. Also in this edition, lawyer Porfirio Martínez informs that they will fight before international tribunals the return of the savings fund for ex-braceros. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this broadcast of the Voz Pública program from Mexico City.

Guests: Lawyer Porfirio Martínez, Legal Advisor for the Coordinadora Nacional de Exbraceros Mexicanos; (audio segments) Ana Laura López, Deportados Unidos en la Lucha; María García, Coalición Binacional Vs Donald Trump; Nely and Carla Rubio, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.


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