Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28
PROGRAM # 8435 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

More than ten hours of filming about the massacre of October 2, 1968, remain in the secret files of the Mexican government. According to social investigator Gibrán Bazán, the recordings were ordered by then Secretary of the Interior, Luis Echeverría Álvarez, and coordinated by the film director Servando González. Fifty years after the students massacre, and before the censorship, Gibrán Bazán uploaded his documentary Los Rollos Perdidos to the Internet, in hopes that the next government will create a commission to find that film material. On other news, the President-Elect committed himself with the parents of the 43 disappeared from Ayotzinapa, to create a truth commission to investigate the whereabouts of the college students. This year marks the fourth anniversary of the kidnapping of the students of that rural school. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this broadcast of the Voz Pública program, from Mexico City.

Guests: (Pre-recorded audios) Gibrán Bazán, director of the documentary Los Rollos Perdidos; Andrés Manuel López Obrador, president-elect; María Elena and Epifanio Alvarez, spokespersons for the parents of Ayotzinapa; Mario Patrón, director of the Center for Human Rights, Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez; demonstrators and students: Juan Alberto Rico Cuevas, from the Normal Rural School, General Matías Ramos Santos, in San Marcos, Loreto Zacatecas.

Photo: Gobierno de la Ciudad de México/Facebook

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