Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, JULY 20
PROGRAM # 8385 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

According to the transition team of president elect López Obrador, in preparation for a General Amnesty Law in order to free thousands of people imprisoned due to the so-called “War on drugs”, from August to October there will be public forums and consultations in 17 Mexican states.  In response, 128 human rights organizations have requested that the new law also benefits political prisoners. They also demand the cancellation of the arrest warrants issued against more than 2,000 activists who have participated in social protests. The amnesty proposal also includes the creation of Truth commissions to clarify, among other cases, the disappearance of the 43 Ayotzinapa students and the 72 migrants executed in Tamaulipas. Also, in this edition, the singer-songwriter and physicist Feliciano Carrasco shares his music with us and tells us about his work translating Newton’s Laws into the Zapotec language. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this broadcast, from the Voz Pública program, from Mexico City.

Guests: Héctor Cerezo, founder of Comité Cerezo, human rights organization which focuses on the search of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, Mexico City; (recorded interview) Feliciano Carrasco Regalado, teacher of Physics and Mathematics at the Metropolitan Autonomous University (Campus Azcapotzalco), director of the Macario Matus Cultural Center, member of the Mexican Academy of the Language, Mexico City.


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