Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, MARCH 23
PROGRAM # 8292 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

In the race for the presidential elections of 2018, the center-left candidate López Obrador offers to end corruption and unlawful enrichment, to reactivate the domestic economy and strengthen economic aid programs for the population. The candidates of the ruling party, PRI, and the conservative party, PAN, promise that when they reach the presidency they will fight corruption, without any mention of the great deviations of resources denounced in the country. José Meade, candidate for the PRI, talks about aid and support to the poor according to their needs, and he promises to address the causes of the Mexicans’ anger. For his part, the hopeful for PAN, Ricardo Anaya, proposes a sustained increase in salaries and pledges to insert Mexico in the complete use of new technologies. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this broadcast of the Voz Pública program, from Mexico City.

Guests: Segments of the speeches delivered by the three main Mexican presidential candidates in the events where they officially assume the Presidential candidacy of their political parties, respectively José Antonio Meade Kuribreña, (coalition of PRI, Panal and Verde); Ricardo Anaya Cortés, (Coalition formed by PAN, PRD and MC); Andrés Manuel López Obrador, (coalition formed by Morena, PT and PES), Mexico City.


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