Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, MARCH 9
PROGRAM # 8282 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

In order to preserve power and cover up the multimillion-dollar frauds committed against the nation, the government of the Mexican ruling party (PRI) is not only willing to commit electoral fraud, but even to try to destroy the candidate who leads the polls. In consequence the Mexican society, in addition to voting, will have to mobilize to defend the vote and legality, said a prominent historian, when analyzing the electoral process in Mexico. For his part, the analyst Marco Fernandez explains the way in which more than two billion pesos were missing from two state secretaries during the administration of the former leftist, Rosario Robles, now an official with Peña Nieto’s cabinet. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this broadcast, from the Voz Pública program, from Mexico City.

Guests: (audio segments) Lorenzo Meyer Cossío, historian and academic, interviewed by the Puente Project website; Marco Fernández, researcher from Mexico Evalúa, interview by Leo Zukerman, on the TV show: It’s time to opine, by Televisa; (speeches) José Antonio Meade Kuribreña, candidate of the PRI-PVE-PANAL; Andrés Manuel López Obrador, candidate of Morena-PT-PES, Mexico City

Photo: Lupita Valadez Main/Facebook

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