Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, JANUARY 19
PROGRAM # 8247 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Citizens of all ages, mainly young people, go to public plazas to endorse with their voter identification cards the indigenous candidacy of María de Jesús Patricio Martínez. She must submit a million signatures to the electoral authorities in order to officially participate in the presidential elections of 2018. The candidate, also called Marichuy, was appointed by the Indigenous Council of Government as its spokesperson, with the mission of promoting the rights of Mexico’s ethnic groups and, at the same time, listening to the problems of citizens and marginalized groups. Also in this edition, citizens go to the Supreme Court of Justice to request the repeal of the Law of Internal Security, recently promulgated by Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and give their comments. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this broadcast of the Voz Pública program, from Mexico City.

Guests: Attorney Eduardo Galván and Ing. Eric Herrera; citizens who give their endorsement to the indigenous candidacy of Marichuy (audio segments); music from Voz en punto (audio cut).).

Photo: Gobierno de la Ciudad de México/Facebook

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