Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8
PROGRAM # 8217 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

The Domestic Security Law now being discussed in Mexico’s Senate would legalize the participation of the armed forces in social surveillance, and according to Sen. Manuel Barlett Díaz, is part of the commitments President Peña Nieto contracted with the US government to guarantee their investments in oil, mining, and commercial ventures in Mexico. Barlett Díaz was a top official during the administration of Miguel de la Madrid. Barlett was the head of the Interior Ministry from 1982 to 1988. Now in the opposition, the senator affirms that the militarization of the country begun during the administration of Felipe Calderón, along with the collaboration between the Mexican military and the US armed forces, through the Merida Initiative. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this broadcast Voz Pública program, from México City.

Guests: (audio recording) Senator Manuel Bartlett Díaz, coordinator of the Parliamentary Faction of the Partido del Trabajo and Morena, in the Mexican Senate, in Mexico City


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