Mexico Edition.

Friday 27_673x324FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27
PROGRAM # 8187 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

As a result of the September earthquakes, a kilometric crack has arisen in an area of Mexico City called Iztapalapa. This crack continues to open and has caused the sinking of houses, green areas and streets, in almost one meter in depth, and even the drainage was left exposed. Neighbors of the affected locality report that they asked geologists from the National Autonomous University of México to study the area since there are underground tunnels in several houses. These tunnels, along with the telluric movement caused unevenness of the foundations, as well as cracks in walls, slabs, and columns. In view of the serious damage to their houses, they request their relocation because 33 years ago they bought the land from the capital city government and today 1,200 families were left homeless. They also pointed out the indolence of their local official in charge, who asked them to “learn to live with the cracks”. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this broadcast of the Voz Pública program, from Mexico City.

Guests: Recordings of victims: María Teresa Ramírez Cruz; Dolores Bautista Juárez, 82 years old; Patricia Mendoza, coordinator of the citizen committee in La Planta, Iztapalapa; Adrián Gallardo, volunteer of Fomento Mexicano, a civil association that carries groceries and raises the census of the victims, Mexico City.

Photo: Martha Elena Ramírez.

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