Mexico Edition.

Friday 22_673x324FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22
PROGRAM # 8162 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

72 hours after the new earthquake of 7.1 magnitude, which makes Mexico City mourn again, rescue work continues thanks to the initiative and decision of Mexican civil society. Hundreds of young people and construction workers form brigades for the removal of debris, while teams of specialized rescuers, women, and men with trained dogs, engage in rescue maneuvers. All work in unison in the 38 collapsed buildings as if they were one person. They are all moved by the desire to find more than 100 people who are still under the rubble. Day and night they have propped up slabs, perforated concrete, and with cranes and hydraulic booms, they raise floors that later are demolished by hand with a club hammer. The emergency continues, and already there are evaluations that point at the poor quality of construction materials, as the cause of the collapse of the buildings. To date, 273 deaths have been reported in the capital, 73 in the state of Morelos, 43 in Puebla, and 13 in the state of Mexico. In this edition, testimonies from four disaster sites are presented. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this broadcast of the Voz Pública program, from Mexico City.

Guests: (audio recordings): Agustín Anestoso Juárez, volunteer; Fredy Florentino Lara, member of Search and Rescue, Cuarto Agrupamiento de Obras of the Federal Police; Eduardo Gasca, construction worker; Fabiola Franco, volunteer, Eduardo, a volunteer from Atlacomulco and Karen Muñiz a volunteer from Toluca. Regarding the people trapped in the neighborhood called Colonia Roma: Jésica Bustos looks for Jaime Aguilera and Alejandro Bernal; Daniela Gutiérrez, looks for Gustavo Banda; Alicia Estrada is looking for Martín Estrada Sarabia and Juan Antonio Guzmán Pérez. About the process of rescue at the school “Enrique Rébsamen, we have testimonies from the Admiral José Luis Vergara, Senior Officer of the Navy and Ángel Enrique Sarmiento, Sub-Secretary of the Navy of Mexico.

Photo: Martha Elena Ramírez

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