Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, AUGUST 18
PROGRAM # 8135 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

The charges of corruption against the former director of Pemex, published by the Brazilian newspaper 0’Globo, are reported by our host in this edition. According to executives of Odebrech, this construction company would have bribed Emilio Lozoya Austin with 10 million dollars, in exchange for contracts. The Brazilians, who are under trial in their country, say that the first payment was in 2012 when Enrique Peña was running for president and Lozoya was part of his campaign team. They pointed out that other bank deposits were made in 2013 after Pemex awarded Odebrech a $115 million contract to modernize a Mexican refinery. For his part, the former official said he is innocent and that there is no evidence against him. Radio listeners contributed to the debate. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this broadcast of the Voz Pública program, from Mexico City.

Guests: (audio recordings): Emilio Lozoya Austin, former director of Petróleos Mexicanos. Radio listeners participating: Lidia, Modesto, CA; Lucio, Fresno, CA. Javier, Fresno, Ca; Francisco, Modesto, CA; Joseph, Merced, CA; Gonzalo, Yakima, CA; Rafael, Modesto, CA; Omar, Bakersfield, CA; Joseph, Salinas, CA; Herlindo, Yakima, CA; Guillermo, Fresno, CA; Mary, Yakima, CA; Juana, Bakersfield, CA; Raúl, Bakersfield, CA.


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