Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, AUGUST 11
PROGRAM # 8130 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

In response to the government’s refusal to release three members of the community police, activists will take the case to the UN High Commissioner in México. Arturo Campos, Gonzalo Molina, and Samuel Ramírez Gálvez have been in prison for four years, accused of kidnapping and carrying weapons. The three are members of the community police in Guerrero and according to their defenders, Law 701 gives them legal authority to make arrests and carry arms. They affirm that these three men have been jailed to inhibit further popular demonstrations and organization. In this edition we will talk about the recently deceased Eduardo del Rio, Rius, a famous master of the Mexican caricature. In this program we will also remember the work of the broadcaster and producer Sergio Canales Rodríguez, who was the host of the radio program Del Campo y la Ciudad, whose audience along with Distinguished singers gave him a musical tribute. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this broadcast of the Voz Pública program, from México City.

Guests (audio cuts): master caricaturist Eduardo del Rio “Rius”, recently deceased, Cuernavaca, México; Enrique González, an activist from the estate of Guerrero; David Cilia Olmos and Tona Lara, members of the Comité Organizador del Premio Nacional Carlos Montemayor; Chucho Gil and Ricardo González, singers of coplas (popular folk songs); Cruz Mejía and Gabino Palomares, singer-songwriters,  from México City.


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