Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, AUGUST 4
PROGRAM # 8125 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

The program opens with a review of the news about the leakage of the transcripts of the phone call between presidents Trump and Peña Nieto in which Trump tells the Mexican president: “Stop saying Mexico won’t pay for the wall.” Radio listeners called and offered comments on the actions of Mexican politicians: one of them censured the concessions of water, territory, and oil granted to private and foreign companies; a second one expressed his desire to put an end to corruption entrenched in government; a third one said that although he has expectations about the presidential elections of 2018, he knows that it is up to each citizen to participate and prepare; and another made a general call to not abdicate the right to vote and to defend that vote demanding that the leaders elected should be subject to accountability. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this broadcast of the Voz Pública program, from México City.

Guests: listeners: María, Sta. Rosa, CA; Javier, Fresno, CA; Joseph, Tulare, CA; Lúcio, Fresno, CA; Joseph, Merced, CA; Jesse, Mount Vernon, Washington; Bernardo, Fresno, CA; Carlos, in Mexicali, México; Martin, Fresno, CA; Joseph, Turlock, CA; Beto, Soledad, CA; Saul, Visalia, CA.


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