Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, JULY 28
PROGRAM # 8120 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Considering the lack of reliable official records regarding the number of missing persons, and after discovering a growing number of clandestine graves, which already amount to a total of a thousand seventy-eight counted in 19 states, the Diocesan Center for Human Rights decided to compile a citizens registry of missing persons and asked the Coahuila government to participate in an exhumation plan to identify bodies and human remains that were illegally buried in that state. This organization has documented 562 cases of enforced disappearances and has indications that at least 52 of those missing persons are in the mentioned graves. Also, in this edition, students from normales rurales (rural colleges for teachers) in the areas of Aguascalientes and Chiapas denounce the reduction of school enrollment and the elimination of boarding school system in the school of Mactumactzá, Chiapas. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this broadcast of the program: Voz Pública, from Mexico City.

Guests: Pre-recorded interviews: students from rural colleges for teachers (normales rurales) in Cañada Honda, Aguascalientes and Mactumactzá, Chiapas; Blanca Martínez, director of the Diocesan Center for Human Rights, Fray Juan de Larios.


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