Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, JULY 14
PROGRAM # 8110 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Despite videotapes that show how Lesvy Berlin was beaten by her partner before her body was found dead on the university campus, the judge assigned to the case validated the suicide version and accused the assailant of voluntary manslaughter, claiming he did not prevent it from happening. The verdict raised a furor among groups of women and activists who protested in front of the court. The victim’s mother explained that both the videos and the expert reports prove that her daughter received heavy punches and her leg shows a burn as if a cigarette had been put out on her skin. The lawyers of the victim have already requested the reclassification of the crime, so that the accused is prosecuted for femicide, following precedents by the Supreme Court of the country. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this broadcast of the program Voz Pública, from Mexico City.

Guests: (audio excerpts) Sayuli Herrera, lawyer assigned to the case and working for Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Victoria; Araceli Osorio Martínez, mother of Lesvy Berlin; Irinea Buendía Cortez, mother of Mariana Limas, victim of femicide; María de la Luz Estrada Mendoza, Founder and Coordinator of the Observatorio Ciudadano Nacional del Feminicidio; Luis Fernando Carmona, legal counsel for the case.

Photo: Martha Elena Ramírez 

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