Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, APRIL 28
PROGRAM # 8052 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

With a balance of more than 30 thousand disappeared citizens, senators approve the General Law of the Disappeared in Mexico, therefore five national organisms will be created for the search and identification of the victims. One of them will be a record of missing or not found persons, another, an organism for the location of clandestine graves, and a third one for unidentified or unclaimed deceased persons. The National Search System and the National Forensic Institute will also be established. However, activists denounce that the law does not set up sanctions for high rank government officials involved; it does not allocates police with scientific knowledge to collaborate with the finding of the victims, and it doesn´t permit the inspection of military barracks. They also criticize the new National Forensic Institute, because it remains attached to the PGR, and this unit faces discredit and denunciations for its lack of scientific rigor in the protection of corpses and DNA samples. Martha Elena Ramírez, hosts this broadcast of the program Voz Pública, from Mexico City.

Guests: Vidulfo Rosales Sierra, lawyer of the parents of the 43 missing students of Ayotzinapa, Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Montaña, Tlachinollan; Héctor Cerezo, Comité Cerezo, a human rights organization.


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