Mexico Edition.

Friday 2_673x324FRIDAY, APRIL 7
PROGRAM # 8037 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Harassed by export businesses that could strip them of their water and territory, various groups are organizing acts of resistance, among them: Cucapah Indians, San Quintin day laborers and groups of Mexicali residents. All this is happening because in the state of Baja California the corruption is predatory and open. The local members of parliament approved Decree 57, which allocates public resources to private companies, one of them, a water desalination plant, which will process water to sell it to the states of Arizona, Nevada and California. In addition to the brewery “Constellation Brands”, which won a 30–year concession, and the Ecozone project, that includes plans to install a photovoltaic park, a recycling plant, and a toxic waste dump in the Sierra Alta Cucapah, which will impact the environment and the seafloor of the Mar de ​​Cortez. Everything approved by the governor Francisco Vega de la Madrid. Martha Elena Ramírez, hosts this broadcast of the program Voz Pública, from Mexico City.

Guests: Roberto Martínez, documentary maker of the “Mexicali Resiste” movement /; Estela Hernández Jiménez, Principal of the bilingual school Belisario Domínguez, Santiago Mexquetitlán, Querétaro.

Photo: Roberto Martínez y Fidel Gayaga, activistas de Mexicali Resiste.

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