Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, MARCH 31
PROGRAM # 8032 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Although the Mexican Supreme Court limited some of the abuses of the law regulating the use of public force in the state of Mexico, it did endorse the use of firearms to dissolve demonstrations and public protests. The resolution will increase the risk for hundreds of activists who defend their communal lands (ejidos), water and forests. In that entity, construction companies are already asphalting the new highway that will connect the state with the new international airport of Mexico, and real estate companies have plans for housing projects. In addition, a delegation of civilians from the United States is promoting the release of Dr. José Manuel Mireles, and denounces the isolation in which he is kept in the penitentiary. When he was the leader of a rural group from the state of Michoacan called “autodefensas” (self-defenses), in 2014, Mireles was charged for carrying firearms exclusively permitted for military use.He is currently being held in a federal prison in Tepic, Nayarit. Martha Elena Ramírez, hosts this broadcast of the program Voz Pública, from Mexico City.

Guests: Génesis Godínez and Rubén Vera, Unidos por Michoacán, USA; audio excerpts: Antonio Lara Duque, lawyer and Coordinator of the Center for Human Rights, Zeferino Ladrillero; Ricardo Ovando, spokesman for the Communal System of  Tecama’s Drinking Water; Sergio Velázquez, Frente Nueve de junio, Coyotepec, State of Mexico; Víctor Álvarez, Asamblea Nacional de Trabajadores; Emiliano Navarrete Victoriano, father of José Ángel Navarrete González, student of Ayotzinapa disappeared in September 2014.


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