Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, MARCH 10
PROGRAM # 8015 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

According to civil organizations in the state of México, if a state law is authorized, it will open the door to more repressive legislations at a national level, since this law will allow the use of firearms to control public protests, and in the national Congress there is another law being discussed: the Federal Law of Domestic Security, which could legalize the nation’s militarization. These groups demand that the state’s law called “Ley Eruviel” should be declared unconstitutional because is considered a threat to the freedom of assembly, freedom of expression and to the right of life. In another topic, we air the testimony of Ana Laura López, who after 16 years in Chicago, was repatriated to Mexico. Trained as an activist in the United States, she now provides counseling and support to deported Mexicans. And in another theme, the spokesman for the victims of Nochixtlán, Oaxaca, tells the story of the armed attack he was subject to. Martha Elena Ramírez, hosts this broadcast of the program Voz Pública, from Mexico City.

Guests: Antonio Lara Duque, director of the Center for Human Rights, Zeferino Ladrillero, Estado de México; Ana Laura López, Deportados Unidos en Acción; (audio) Santiago Ambrosio Hernández, teacher and spokesperson of the Comité de Víctimas del 19 de Junio, Nochixtlán and Maurilio Santiago Reyes, president of the Center for Human Rights and Counseling for Indigenous Peoples, Oaxaca, Oaxaca; doña Fili, Asamblea de Pueblos Barrios y Colonias de Coyocán,México City; Trinidad del Valle, Frente de Pueblo en Defensa de la Tierra, Atenco organizations affiliated to the collective, Fuego de la Digna Resistencia.


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