Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, MARCH 3
PROGRAM # 8010 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Although the Mexican government announced that a budget of  a billion Mexican pesos will be assigned to legally defend Mexicans who are at risk of being deported, the nationals who were already repatriated were excluded from this program. So far, the Mexican Foreign Ministry has not presented any plans to help those who were previously expelled from the United States. In addition, we talk about a Spanish company called Abengoa, which will produce electricity to be sold to Guatemala, but in the process would leave without water a number of vegetable-producing ejidos in the state of Morelos. The operation of the thermoelectric requires 50 million liters of water per day, and the company aims to connect directly to the flow of the river. Abengoa would also use the infrastructure of CFE, the federal utility company, to trade the electric power. In addition, seven mining concessions were granted in Morelos for the exploitation of uranium. Martha Elena Ramírez, hosts this broadcast of the program Voz Pública, from Mexico City.

Guests: (recordings) Ana Laura López and Eleazar Hernández Cardona, Deportados Unidosen Lucha; Roberto Caravantes Díaz, professor with leave without pay, Cuautla Huesca, Morelos; (live) Al Rojas, presidente, Consejo Latinoamericano por el Progreso Laboral, AFL-CIO, Sacramento, CA.


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