Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17
PROGRAM # 8000 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Among the landscape of demolished houses in the mountain town of Salaverna, only six inhabited houses remain. These Zacatecan highlands are patrolled by hooded state policemen with rifles. This area’s land belongs to the federal government, but today it is in dispute because although the comuneros have possession, the mining company Frisco-Tayahúa plans to exploit the area using the open pit mining method. “Everything could have been solved just with a relocation, but the government and Mr. Slim preferred to destroy our homes and take our water. Now they are sending the state police against us,” denounced those affected. In this edition, residents of Conca del Oro, Zacatecas , Speak of the human and environmental costs that mining has left since the arrival of the Spaniards. Martha Elena Ramírez, ​hosts this ​​broadcast of the program Voz Pública, from Mexico City.

Guests: Roberto de la Rosa; Micaela Zamarripa, Daniela Sánchez Zamarripa and Miguel Sánchez, neighbors of Salaverna, municipality of Mazapil, Zacatecas; José Ascensión Ovalle and Rosa Isela Ojeda Martínez, brother organization Efrén Orandalla, Concha del Oro, Zacatecas (recorded interviews).


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