Mexico Edition.


The release of teacher Alberto Patishtán, who was sentenced to 60 years in prison, filled with happiness hundreds of activists and human rights defenders. The pardon granted by President Peña Nieto to the indigenous Tzotzil was possible due to a reform to the Criminal Code approved by legislators, who recognized serious failures in the judicial process and the violation of individual rights. In this edition, the opposition leader Andrés Manuel López Obrador announces an effort to impeach President Peña Nieto and legislators who support the delivery of oil to foreign companies. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts Voz Pública from Mexico City.

Guests: (recordings) Alberto Patishtán Gómez; Sandino Ribero, attorney; Gabriela y Héctor Pathistán; Andrés Manuel López Obrador, leader of Movimiento de Regeneración Nacional (Morena). México DF.


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