Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9
PROGRAM # 7950 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Two years after the energy reform, many of Mexico´s oilfields are given to foreign companies for their explotation. To date, 39 contracts have been awarded for oil fields located in shallow waters and on Monday, for the first time, one was tendered for deepwater extraction. This last one, called Bloque Trion will be operated by the company BHP Billiton, funded by British and Australian capital. Also, covering another issue, activists report that in more tan a thousand Mexican ranches farmworkers are being exploited. They point out that daylabourers, some of them indigenous from the southeast, work 12 hours a day and receive salaries on a piecework basis. The model is so successful that agricultural businesses are planning to expand it to countries like Peru and Chile. Martha Elena Ramírez, conducts this broadcast of Voz Publica, from Mexico City.

Guests: (recordings) Ing. Heberto Barrios; Walter Ángel; Pablo López Figueroa, secretario general de la Unión Nacional de Técnicos y Profesionistas Petroleros; Didier Marquina, Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz; Margaret Nemesio; Pedro Roberto Gómez López, Organización Mixteco Yosonovico de Sonora; María Antonieta Barrón, economist of the UNAM; Jesus Carmona, Respuesta Alternativa AC.

Photo: Gobierno de la Ciudad de México/Facebook

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