Mexico Edition.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10
PROGRAM # 7928 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

The governments of the world take with caution the triumph of Donald Trump, who will become president of the United States. The elected president receives congratulations from his counterparts, as well as international calls to avoid confrontation. Because, besides the anti-immigrant and supremacist speech that characterized the tycoon’s campaign, the dispute being fought at a worldwide level for the control of energy, territories and biodiversity resources, will be sharpened, affirms a specialist. He said that in the face of global warming, Siberia, Russia’s territory, would become the world’s breadbasket, so it would be coveted by the US. Martha Elena Ramírez, conducts this broadcast of the program Voz Publica, from the city of Mexico.

Guest: DR. Jorge Antonio Montemayor Aldrete, teacher and researcher, Institute of Physics of the UNAM and member of the civil organization Mexicanos Unidos, Mexico City.


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