Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21
PROGRAM # 7908 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Given that the Mexican government has refuse to return their money to the former braceros, whose claim has been discussed in court for 18 years, it will be up to the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice to rule on this demand. These funds were savings accumulated during the farmer’s working years in the United States, and more than half of these farmers have already died without receiving the money they earned. This edition also reports on the amnesty law that would allow to free up to 500 people who were detained for participating in marches and demonstrations. Finally, Laura Castellanos, who recently won the National Journalism Award, said that her report on the massacre of Apatzingán (that occurred in January 2015) was censored in the newspaper El Universal. This year the National Journalistic Award for a life dedicated to journalism was given to Sara Lovera. Martha Elena Ramirez hosts this edition of Voz Pública from Mexico City.

Guests (audio recordings) Porfirio Martinez, a lawyer representing former braceros; Guillermina Herrera García, representative of former braceros in Michoacán; Eduardo Garcia Gómez, son of former bracero; Francisco Estrada, lawyer expert in Amnesty Law. Laura Castellanos, a freelance journalist; Sara Lovera López, director of Communication and Information on Women (CIMAC).

Photo: Anirudh Koul/Flickr

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