Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14
PROGRAM # 7903 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Given the inaction of the state government, non-governmental organizations and the Catholic church have been the ones opening their premises to provide food and shelter to thousands of African and Caribbean migrants who are still coming massively to Tijuana in order to ask for asylum in the United States. In response, the US government announced that it will maintain the access of Haitians to their territory and it will ask European governments to stop the flow of Africans to the continent. Meanwhile, activists from Tijuana explain that in the case of Latinos and Mexicans, in addition to unemployment, social violence, crime and kidnappings, as well as the recruitment of women and minors, are the factors that fuel forced migration. In addition, farmers in Zacatecas reported losses in bean production, stating that their product has been displaced by imports coming from the United States. Martha Elena Ramirez hosts this edition of Voz Pública from Mexico City.

Guests: Karina Lopez Sarabia, Salvation Army’s Captain, Casa Puerta de Esperanza, Tijuana, Mexico; (recordings) Daniel Roberto Bribiescas García, lawyer of Madre Asunta Institute, Tijuana, Mexico; Roberto Briano, agronomist, Villa García, Zacatecas; Benjamin Villa, Ojo Caliente, Zacatecas, Mexico; members of the Coordination Plan de Ayala, National Movement.


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