Mexico Edition.

Friday 23_673x324FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23
PROGRAM # 7887 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Faced with global warming, financial institutions and governments are already testing the implementation of new forms of colonialism in the planet’s tropical zone. This is according to a distinguished academic researcher, who pointed out that to continue polluting, the big capital invented the so called carbon rights. Now, economic imperialism provides funding for conservation of forests and freshwater reserves in the Brazilian Amazon, Central America and Mexico; also in the Congo Basin and the Asian strip, including Indonesia and Malaysia. The academic researcher affirms that those territories, today inhabited by indigenous people, are already being monitored through Google’s images. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this edition of Voz Pública from Mexico City.

Guest: (recording) Camila Moreno academic researcher of Universidad Federal Rural, Río de Janeiro, Brasil. Co-author of the essay La métrica del carbono (Carbon Metrics) published by the Heinrich Boell Stiftung Foundation, Mexico, Central America and Caribbean division, Mexico City.

Photo: Esparta Palma/Flickr

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