Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, AUGUST 12
PROGRAM # 7856 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

After the Mexican army exterminated the guerrilla movement commanded by Lucio Cabañas in southern Mexico, repression intensified. While in the 70s the government issued an amnesty law to release hundreds of prisoners, at the same time it opened the era of the disappeared. This conclusion stems from investigations done by the Commission of Truth in the state of Guerrero, which documents 512 cases of victims of forced disappearance in the state of Guerrero. Twenty-four of those victims suffered summary executions. The report states that after the amnesty the proportion of missing persons increased. Although the report was presented two years ago, it has not been released, nor the authorities have begun giving compensations to the survivors for the damages suffered in the so-called dirty war. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this edition of Voz Pública from Mexico City.

Guest: Nicomedes Fuentes Garcia, Executive Secretary of the Commission of Truth of the State of Guerrero, Mexico City.


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