Mexico Edition.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, JULY 7
PROGRAM # 7830 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Family members and former U.S. military personnel who were deported are asking for humanitarian visas at the border in San Isidro to allow them to return to the United States. Most of them lost their residency because of crimes for which they already paid. However, they cannot return to their families or receive medical or psychological care they need after being in wars. In addition, a general from the Mexican Army speaks about the low pensions in Mexico for retired military. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts Voz Pública from Mexico City.

Guests: (pretaped) Retired General Samuel Lara Villa, president, Federación de Militares Retirados, General Francisco J. Mújica, Mexico City; Roberto Vivar, vice-president, Veteranos Deportados, Tijuana, MX; Enrique Salas, Veteran of the Persian Gulf War, Tijuana, MX.

Photo: Luis Fernando Franco Jiménez/Flickr

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