Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, JUNE 3.
PROGRAM # 7797 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

As a community literacy teacher, Julio Mata Montiel was linked to subversive groups. His fear of being detained brought him to seek help from groups that defend politically persecuted people, and over the years became an efficient activist. His experience as a social advocate brought him to rancherías in Guerrero where he was able to document more than 500 cases of missing detainees during the so-called “dirty war,”, presenting reports at the state and federal level and to international organisms. In recent months, he says he suffered an attempted kidnapping in Mexico City. Martha Elena Ramirez hosts Voz Publica from Mexico City.

Guest: Julio Mata Montiel, Executive Secretary, Association of Family Members of Missing Detainees and Victims of Violations of Human Rights in Mexico, Mexico City.

Photo: katiebordner/Flickr

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