Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, APRIL 15.
PROGRAM # 7762 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Violating a judicial order that impeded continuing construction of the Naucalpan-Toluca highway, bulldozers from the Autovan company entered the indigenous community of San Francisco Xochicuautla, where they demolished a house, broke waterlines, and tried to destroy a chapel. The action was accompanied by at least one thousand police from the State of Mexico, who hit residents who resisted. When a U.N. official and someone from the National Commission of Human Rights arrived, the state government agreed to pay for the damage and suspend work on the highway. Autovan is an affiliate of the construction company, Higa, property of Juan Armando Hinojosa Cantú, who built the residence of Angélica Rivera, wife of the president Enrique Peña Nieto. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts Voz Pública from Mexico City.

Guests: Armando García Salazar, Otomí indigenous person and doctor from San Francisco Xochicuautla, Méx.; (soundbites) José Antonio Guevara, Executive Director of the Mexican Commission for Defense and Promotion of Human Rights; Karla Sofía Loyo, attorney, CMDPDH, Mexico City.

Photo: Blok 70/Flickr

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