Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, APRIL 8.
PROGRAM # 7757 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

The objective of the Caravan for Peace, Life and Justice from Honduras to New York is to stop the war on drugs and demilitarize the southern border of Mexico. Coordinated by the organization Global Exchange, groups of migrants, environmentalists, and family members of missing peope from El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico are preparing to share their testimony outside the United Nations, about the results that the drug war has left on Latin America. Also in this edition, the host comments information about the Panama Papers, a filtration of documents that reveals the creation of offshore companies by politicians, businessmen and secret agents, in tax paradises. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts Voz Pública from Mexico City.

Guests: Marco Castillo, Asamblea Popular de Familias Migrantes (APOFAM); Miguel Villegas, Colectivo Reverde Ser, against trafficking and militarization, Morelos, México.

Photo: Blok 70/Flickr

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