Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, APRIL 1.
PROGRAM # 7752 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

A judge in Mexico determined that the Mexican government should return the money to former bracero workers that was withheld from their weekly paychecks. The judge has ordered the Mexican government to show evidence of the money it received and to return it to the almost 6,000 members of the Alianza de Ex-Braceros del Norte, organization that filed a legal claim to ask for the savings to be returned. However, this resolution opens the door for more than 4 million Mexican citizens who enrolled in the Bracero Program to also ask for their money, so the judge is requesting that both countries exchange official registries to facilitate the identification of all participants. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts Voz Pública from Mexico City.

Guest: Porfirio Martínez González, attorney in lawsuit that benefits the binational organization Alianza de Ex-braceros del Norte, Mexico City.

Photo: Andres Acosta/Flickr

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