Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11.
PROGRAM # 7672 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Thousands of Central American migrants disappear in Mexico, without any consular authority registering their absence or coordinating a search, so every year dozens of mothers from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua come to the country, with the hope of finding their loved ones. The caravan of family members is coordinated by the Meso-American Migrant Movement, which in 11 years has found 250 people and calls for the creation of a legal mechanism to register disappeared migrants. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts Voz Pública from Mexico City.

Guests: (soundbites) Catalina López, from Guatemala and Eva Ramírez, from Honduras; (pretaped interviews) Rosa Elizabeth Flores, searching for Zelvin René Hernández Flores, from Santa Rita del Yoro, Honduras; Ventura Elizabeth Zaldívar, searching for Samuel Cardona Zaldívar, from Puerto Cortez, Progreso Yoro, Honduras; Lourdes María Suazo Mejía, Honduras; Martha Sánchez Soler, coordinator, Meso-American Migrant Movement, Mexico City.

Photo: Randal Sheppard/Flickr

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