Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20.
PROGRAM # 7657 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

An activist reports that the government of Enrique Peña Nieto susepnded payment of 38,000 pesos to more than 40,000 former braceros, though funds were allocated to pay for this debt since 2012. Also, a transnational union leader says though the temporary agricultural workers program between Mexico and Canada offers secure round trip transportation for Mexican workers, it also creates conditions of exploitation, since most do not know how to access healthcare or compensation in case of a work-related accident, they are not able to organize, and pensions and insurance are deducted from their salaries for benefits they will never use. In addition, if they protest, they are kicked out of the program and never hired again. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts Voz Pública from Mexico City.

Guests: (pretaped interview) Rosa Marta Zárate Macías, Alianza de Braceros del Norte, ex braceros de Ameca, Jalisco; Andrea Gálvez González, liaison for Mexico, UFCW- United Food and Commercial Workers, Canada,

Photo: melycgcg/Flickr

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