Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13.
PROGRAM # 7652 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

More than 50 agents of the Federal Police went missing between 2006 and 2012, when they were carrying out operations against drug trafficking. One of them is Luis Ángel León Rodríguez, who went missing along with six others and a civilian, when they were escorting sub-official Juan Carlos Ruiz Valencia, who would take on the position of Director of Security in Ciudad Hidalgo, Michoacán. However, they never arrived, and neither the mayor or the federal agents reported the absence of the police. Six years later, the mother of the agent points to negligence by officials of the Secretary of Public Security at the time, and she reports threats that she has received for searching for her son and his colleagues. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts Voz Pública from Mexico City.

Guests: (pretaped interview) Araceli Rodríguez, mother of Luis Ángel León Rodríguez, missing along with Juan Carlos Ruiz Valencia, Pedro Alberto Vázquez Hernández, Bernardo Israel López Sánchez, Israel Ramos Usla, Jaime Humberto Ugalde Villena, Víctor Hugo López Lorenzo and Sergio Santoyo; (sound bites) Perseo Quiroz, director of Amnesty International and Paulina Arriaga, Director of Desarma México, comment on the reglamentation of international firearm sales, Mexico City.

Photo: Aloud../Flickr

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