Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6.
PROGRAM # 7647 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Former government officials have joined up with businesspeople to create companies to embed in Pemex, report retired specialists, who say that with the fall of international oil prices, Mexico will have to improve profit margins for foreign oil companies in order to attract capital.  In addition, indigenous groups from Chiapas report that the former Secretary of the Environment, Julia Carabias, failed to fulfill agreements to conserve the Lacandon Jungle. They also reject the concession of two lagoons, which the local government reportedly gave to the former official for 20 years.  Martha Elena Ramírez hosts Voz Pública from Mexico City.
Guests (Pretaped Interviews): Mario Galicia, Retired Engineer from Pemex, Mexico City; Francisco Garaicochea, Engineer and President of Grupo Pemex Constitución del 17, Mexico City; Emilio Bolom Gómez, President of the Comisariado Ejidal, Gutiérrez Zamora, Chiapas; Gabriel Montoya, Member, Central de Organizaciones Campesinas y Populares (COCYP), Ocosingo, Chiapas.


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