
Despite sustained dialogue between teachers and authorities to reach an agreement, PRI, PAN and PRD legislators approved in early morning sessions the secondary laws of Enrique Peña Nieto’s educational reform. In response, Oaxaca, Michoacán and Mexico City teachers carry out new road blockades and continue their sit-in at the Zócalo. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts Voz Pública from Mexico City.


Guests: (pre-recorded) Afrodita García Sánchez, Teacher, Barranca Cocida; Tolentino Maldonado Torres, Teacher, La Soledad community in the Southern Sierra; Cleotilde García Sánchez, Teacher, Piedra Lisa community; all from the municipality Santiago Amoltepec, Oaxaca; Gilberto Licona Fernández, History teacher,Middle School #28, México City.


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