Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, JUNE 8
PROGRAM # 9281 12:00 PM PDT

Immigration Edition.

In her first international trip, Vice President Kamala Harris visits Guatemala and Mexico to begin talks about migration, corruption, economic development, climate and food insecurity as well as women’s issues. Plans include working on opening centers for migrants in Guatemala to offer legal services for those in need of asylum referrals, refugee resettlement and other protections. Harris will then travel to Mexico, after the US formally ended the Trump-era “Remain in Mexico” policy. Meanwhile, activists in the US step up their pressure urging the Biden administration to extend TPS protection to migrants from Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Guatemala. A correspondent reports on Harris’ visit and an analyst talks about her mission. Potential TPS beneficiaries share their stories of struggle and survival.

Guests: Maria Martin, Correspondent, Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala; Alexandra Yuleith Mejia, Garifuna Mother from Honduras and Potential TPS holder, New York, NY; Ana Ortiz, Essential Worker from El Salvador and Potential TPS holder, Maryland; Hazel Contreras, Regional Coordinator in Central America, Alianza Américas, San Salvador, El Salvador.

Photo: peninsula360press

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