From Self-Defense Rebel to Peacemaker. Also, Voting Rights Pioneer Joaquin Avila Dies.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, MARCH 12
PROGRAM # 8283 12:00 PM PT

From Self-Defense Rebel to Peacemaker.

This is a conversation with Dr. Manuel Mireles, a founder of the citizens’ self-defense movement that battles organized crime in the Mexican state of Michoacan. Mireles talks about “Todos Somos Autodefensas,” his book of memoirs written while in prison, where he links the self-defense groups to the tradition of agrarismo in his family and community. He also discusses his call to a new peace movement in Mexico and sets the record straight on running for political office.

Guest: Dr. Manuel Mireles, Co-Founder, Movimiento de Autodefensas de Michoacán, Former Political Prisoner, Morelia, MX.

Voting Rights Pioneer Joaquin Avila Dies. Voting rights and civil rights champion Joaquin Avila, known as the father of the California Voting Rights Act, dies at 69. In his last interview on Linea Abierta in 2013, Avila offered his views on the Supreme Court decision striking down key protections of the US Voting Rights Act. This program revisits some of his comments.

Guest: (Audio Segment) Joaquín Ávila, director, National Voting Rights Advocacy Initiative, and Professor, Seattle University School of Law, Seattle, WA.


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