Puerto Rico Aid Crisis. Also, Aid for Mexico Quake Victims.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, OCTOBER 2
PROGRAM # 8168 12:00 PM PST.

Puerto Rico Aid Crisis.

Two weeks after the catastrophic hit of Hurricane Maria on September 20, most of Puerto Rico remains without power, and many have limited access to food, water and medicines. Many hospitals continue closed and there are growing fears of a humanitarian disaster. Puerto Rican leaders have called on the the US government, complaining that help has been little and slow, and President Trump has responded with attacks against leaders in the island. Analysts comment on the relief and recovery efforts.

Guests: Ramon Cruz, Member, Board of Directors, Sierra Club, New York, NY; Irene Vilar, Executive Director, Americas for Conservation + The Arts, Boulder, CO.

Aid for Mexico Quake Victims. Rescue workers in Mexico City are still searching for survivors in the rubble after the devastating September 19 earthquake. Hundreds are dead and thousands injured and homeless. This is a report on citizen and government efforts on the ground to provide relief to the victims in the disaster areas of Central Mexico, and public anger in Mexico after reports that lax building standards due to corruption may behind the collapse of some buildings.

Guests: Citlali Sáenz, Correspondent, Mexico City; (Audio Segments) Jade Silva, Volunteer Aid Worker, Martha Alvarez Mena, Earthquake Victim, Jojutla, Morelos; Victor Villar Hernandez, Rescue Worker, Mexico City.

Photo: sabq.org

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