Trump-Biden Race and More.

Friday_673x324 12FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16
PROGRAM #9046 12:00 PM PT

Trump-Biden Race and More.

The Commission on Presidential Debates cancelled the second debate between Biden and Trump after Trump refused to participate in a virtual format. The new format was proposed when Trump tested positive to coronavirus and there was an outbreak in the White House. At the end, Biden held a televised town hall meeting in Philadelphia and Trump competed for viewers with another one in Miami. Democratic and Republican analysts discuss highlights of the town halls, including the response to the coronavirus pandemic, the efforts to undo health care reform and protection for pre existing conditions, the pledge to accept or resist a peaceful transfer of power, and the absence of questions on immigration. Also, they comment on questions that voters have for the campaigns. This program includes a report on the stunning arrest of former Mexico’s Defense Secretary Gen. Salvador Cienfuegos in Los Angeles, on drug trafficking and money laundering charges, and the first reaction by President López Obrador.

Guests: Daniel Garza, President, The LIBRE Initiative, Conservative Leader, McAllen, TX; Maria Cardona, Democratic Strategist, Founder, Latinovations, Washington, DC; (recorded segment of news conference) Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of Mexico, Mexico City.


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