Cheran Celebrates Autonomy.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27
PROGRAM # 7913 12:00 PM PT

Cheran Celebrates Autonomy.

After years of suffering violence and massive theft of natural resources by drug cartels, the Purépecha community of Cheran rebelled and kicked out organized crime and corrupt authorities. Five years later, this timber-rich village in Western Mexico is ruled by a community government independent of Mexico’s political parties system, and has regained peace and control of its forests. A delegation of leaders of Cheran visits California to tell their story.

Guests: Enedino Santaclara Madrigal, Keri or Member of the Elder Council; Samuel Ramos, Legal Adviser, Elder Council; Adelaida Cucué, Traditional Healer, Commune Member, Cheran, Michoacan, MX.


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