Articles of Impeachment. Also, Fighting Corruption in Mexico.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, DECEMBER 9
PROGRAM # 8755 12:00 PM PT

Articles of Impeachment.

Speaker Pelosi announced the House is proceeding with Articles of Impeachment against President Trump “because he is trying to corrupt the election for his own benefit.” After receiving a report outlining evidence of Trump’s abusing the power of his office in dealings with Ukraine and obstructing Congress, the House’s judiciary committee took over the impeachment inquiry.

Guests: TBA.

Fighting Corruption in Mexico. In his recent State of the Union address, Mexican President López Obrador gave a report of his fight against corruption, an issue that tops his agenda. He insisted that ridding government of corruption is like cleaning staircases, from the top down, and highlighted cutbacks in salaries for high officials and higher penalties against corruption crimes. An anti-corruption advocate evaluates the López Obrador administration’s work to fight corruption networks and impunity, and bring in greater transparency.

Guest: Dr. Lourdes Morales Canales, Doctor in Political Science, Coordinator, Red por la Rendición de Cuentas, Mexico City.


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