Ayotzinapa Final Report. Also, Latino Vote: Surge and Suppression.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, MAY 2.
PROGRAM # 7773 12:00 PM PT

Ayotzinapa Final Report.

A group of experts appointed by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights released their final report on the 43 students disappeared in Mexico. Latino US congressmembers express concern about acts by Mexican authorities to obstruct the investigation. A Latina congresswoman talks about this, and the confirmation of the US Ambassador to Mexico, and a human rights advocate comments on the smear media campaign against the experts.

Guest: Rep. Norma Torres, D-LA, Washington, DC; Dr. Camilo Pérez Bustillo, Visiting Professor of Law, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM.

Latino Vote: Surge and Suppression. Latino voter registration is quickly rising as the election season heats up. An analyst comments on efforts to promote naturalization and voter registration. She also comments on recent court decisions that uphold North Carolina’s and Texas’ controversial laws imposing restrictions on voting, including strict voter ID requirements.

Guest: Juliana Cabrales, North Carolina Director, NALEO, Raleigh, NC.

Photo: wikipedia.org

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