Ayotzinapa 43.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, APRIL 2.
PROGRAM # 7488 12:00 PM PT

Ayotzinapa 43.

Parents of the “Ayotzinapa 43” touring the US West Coast meet with college students in Berkeley on their way to Washington. In this live broadcast from the UC Berkeley campus, touring members talk about their efforts to find their children and their demand for an independent investigation.

Guests: Dr. Ivonne del Valle, Professor at University of California, Berkeley, co-host of visit; Blanca Luz Nava Vélez, Mother of Disappeared Student; Estanislao Mendoza Chocolate, Father of Disappeared Student; Angel Neri de la Cruz, Surviving Student; Josimar de la Cruz, Brother of Student; www.caravan43.com

Photo: Caravana 43/Facebook

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