Autodefensas: From Behind Prison Walls.

Dr. José Manuel Mireles Valverde y autodefensas en Michoacán, México.

Dr. José Manuel Mireles Valverde y autodefensas en Michoacán, México.

PROGRAM # 7635 12:00 PM PT

Autodefensas: From Behind Prison Walls.

Leaders of the citizen uprising that led to the self-defense movement in the Mexican state of Michoacan speak about life on the inside and the state of their social movement against cartel violence and corruption in exclusive interviews from their high-security prisons. A national advocate reports on the efforts to advance an amnesty law to benefit the hundreds of members of the self-defense movement who are in prisons around the country.

Guests: Dr. Jose Manuel Mireles, Co-founder, Michoacan Self-Defense Movement, Prisoner, CEFERESO # 11, Hermosillo, Mexico; “Ernesto Cuevas,” Member of Michoacan Self-Defense Movement, Prisoner, CERESO, Morelia, Mexico; Antonio Magaña Magaña, Coordinator, National Movement of Self Defense of the Republic, Mexico City.


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